The following index lists all the resources (Articles, Training Notes and Health-checks) that have a structures theme. Most of these will be headed in this way, but some may have another heading with a cross-reference to Structures in the box at the end.
All are in pdf. Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader if you do not already have it.
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Click on any title in the list below to go to the item in question.
Each item is copyright © John Truscott but you may download the file and/or print up to 30 copies for non-commercial use within your church or mission agency.
If you make multiple copies, please email me to let me know brief details so that I can monitor use. If you want to make more than 30 copies, or wish to use the item beyond your own church/organisation, I reserve the right to make a charge. Please contact me first in this case.
Structures and staffing
Ref | Title |
A3 |
Salary differentials for Christian staff A case of worldly thinking? |
A6 |
Job descriptions Advice and examples for staff and volunteers |
A8 |
Worker agreements Appropriate paperwork for church use |
A17 |
Staff selection step-by-step From advertisement to interview |
A48 |
Organising your small groups Choices to be made |
A50 |
The patronage process as drama A guide for Patrons and PCCs |
A56 |
Organising pastoral care ... in an all-member culture |
TN5 | Responsibilities of mission agency boards |
TN20 | Line management in a church staff team |
TN35 | Causes of friction in mission agencies |
TN37 | To pay or not to pay? |
TN40 | Appointing an Administrator |
TN58 | Beware committees |
TN65 | Sharp interview questions |
TN66 | A daily office for church staff |
TN76 | How to prepare a job reference |
TN80 | Staff salary scales |
TN92 | How genuine are your GORs? |
TN111 | A church policies checklist |
TN130 | Appoint a 'Staff Action Group' |
TN147 | The role of the PCC |
Ref | Title |
A5 |
How to chair meetings An orchestral approach |
A20 |
Annual meetings can be different Ideas to experiment with |
A24 |
Mission-shaped Church Councils Three ways forward |
A40 |
Going deeper into meetings 1: Planning issues |
A41 |
Going deeper into meetings 2: People issues |
TN8 | Major decisions: a new approach |
TN13 | A purpose statement for those who chair |
TN45 | Are you sure it's minutes you need? |
TN61 | Mapping out a meeting |
TN71 | Seatings for meetings |
TN88 | Advice to a new committee member |
TN97 | How to minute a meeting |
TN118 | Why, exactly, are we meeting? |
TN125 | How to take major decisions |
TN128 | Effective staff meetings |
TN141 | A church council 'Code of Conduct' |
TN150 | Prayer at church business meetings |
Leadership structures
Ref | Title |
A26 |
The office of Lay Minister Three proposals for change |
A38 |
Appointing an Operations Manager Or reviewing an existing post |
TN6 | The Minister's role in larger churches |
TN18 | A leadership team checklist |
TN50 | Should the staff lead the church? |
TN51 | A fresh approach to rural ministry |
TN78 | The role of a church leader |
TN104 | A grid structure for churches |
TN110 | It's confidential: but it still leaks out |
TN136 | Restructure your committees |
All the above
Ref | Title |
HC4 |
Church Health Review Part 1: Explanation |
HC5 |
Church Health Review Part 2: Questions and tests |
HC6 |
Christian Effectiveness Model Part 1: Explanation |
HC7 |
Christian Effectiveness Model Part 2: Questions and tests |

Congratulations for such a useful and helpful contribution you have made to those of us in ministry for so many years.
A Minister - October 2024