Explanation of Operations Manager appointments published

9th August 2016

A major new article on church Operations Manager posts has just been uploaded to the Articles page of this website. It explains how these posts are being developed, outlines five key purposes and describes 18 possible areas of responsibility.
Click/tap red heading to continue.

What exactly is a church Operations Manager? This article seeks to explain this role and to show that it is much more than simply a senior Church Administrator. It suggest five purposes:

  1. To turn the vision into reality
  2. To enable continual change for effectiveness
  3. To manage people well
  4. To co-ordinate all aspects of organisation
  5. to release the pastoral staff for church growth.

This is a leadership role within a church's senior staff team requiring a range of specialist skills while focusing on strategy more than daily detail.

This is available on the Articles page in the Resources section at A38. Vital reading for churches considering such a post or reviewing the work of an existing Manager. And also for all hose working as Operations Managers in churches.