These notes were first published on this website in August 2017 and last updated in July 2023
These notes give advice to a leader who works with a No. 2, such as a Minister with an Associate or a Youth Leader with a deputy. There are ten suggested principles which have been worded for the No. 1.
- Ensure they share your vision
- Give them an overall role that is both clear and challenging
- Put them in charge of defined areas
- Line manage them well
- Meet regularly
- Affirm them in public
- Put them in charge when you are away
- Work on a few projects together
- Appoint an enabler
- Champion their growth
The same ten points are then applied, with some amendments, to working with a PA or EA. The position here is a little different from a No. 2 but these points can still apply.
Here is the link to this item:
TN101 - Working with a No. 2.pdf
Author's notes
These notes were updated in July 2023 with minor changes to the text and layout.