First published on this website in August 2006 and last updated in June 2024
These notes seek to bring some clarity to a confused understanding of what is meant by 'vision' in a planning context. They introduce six themes to explain what a vision should be about. Test your own church's or mission's vision against these.
- Destination: a description of where you want to get to
- Changed lives: "with a vision you are seeking to change the world"
- Ends not means: opening a building is not a church vision
- One clear vision: you can have visionaries without one uniting vision
- God at work: vision is about our faith in what God might do, not our achievements
- Leadership: you need a leader to move you from A to B
The is followed by footnotes on time-scale in vision, and on the idea of a vision statement.
A church purpose is all about what we should be or do. A church vision is our prayer for what God might do if we remain faithful to our purpose.
Here is the link to this item:
TN32 - What do you mean by 'vision'.pdf
Author's notes
These notes have been updated in June 2024 with minor amendments to the text and layout.