Welcome!ContactResources e-letters − Resources e-letter 21:1 - February 2021

Resources e-letter 21:1 - February 2021

This gives news of a new development in the Resources section, a DIY training aid for all who read the Bible publicly in church services. Article A49 is titled How to read the Bible out loud. There is also a listing of all resources on change and decision-making.
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NEW: How to read the Bible out loud

This new article offers a complete training event to run in your church, or material that a group of ‘out loud Bible readers’ (aka ‘lesson readers’) can study together. It is presented in my ‘article’ format and there is a set of 16 hand-out sheets to accompany it.

The introduction explains that God’s word changes lives so it is worth ensuring that the public reading of Scripture is done well. The material uses Psalm 100, Mark 8:22-30 and Ephesians 2:11-22 as illustrations of three very different passages.

The main section is on delivery and covers:

  • Expression (the volume control, speed control and mood options)
  • Punctuation (structure, phrases and lists/pauses)
  • Emphasis (words to play down, contrasts, actions/key ideas).

The section on preparation covers:

  • Ten steps to get ready
  • A range of practical issues
  • Six ideas to help you improve.

A final section on creativity gives 12 ideas for those who want to be more adventurous. The material includes a range of exercises so a group can try out the ideas together.

Article A49, How to read the Bible out loud, is now available without charge from the Articles index page of this website.

Change and decision-making

One feature of church life in 2021 is sure to be the need for creative decision-making in a changing environment. Here is a listing of resources on the website that deal with this theme.

Articles index page

A5        How to chair meetings – An orchestral approach
A20      Annual meetings can be different – Ideas to experiment with
A24      Mission-shaped Church Councils – Three ways forward
A40      Going deeper into meetings – 1: Planning issues

Training Notes index page

TN3      The bewildering world of change
TN8      Major decisions: a new approach
TN12    Twenty ideas to help people change
TN34    Closing down a church activity
TN59    Don’t you dare change anything!
TN70    Do’s and don’ts for a new leader
TN81    Changing the scenery
TN121  Making a case for change
TN125  How to take major decisions

Please ensure these materials are widely promoted in your church. Thanks for your interest in my website. May God guide you and others in all the decisions to be made in the present lockdown.