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Resources e-letter 19:6 - December 2019

There are two new sets of Training Notes this month: TN119, Group behaviours to beware of, and TN120, Lessons for leaders. There is also a listing of resources that deal with church members as workers. 
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NEW: Group behaviours to beware of

Here is a set of notes for all members of any kind of groups at church: committees, home groups, young people’s groups, informal friendships, work parties, and so on.

You may be familiar with the idea of ‘team roles’ but here is a listing of eight types of group behaviour you may need to cope with in your group, with some advice on what to do.

Each type belongs to one of eight people. Try to spot them in groups you belong to. You may even find yourself in the list….

  • Boris the bore
  • Fearne the fearful
  • Gos the gossip
  • Joan the joker
  • Mona the moaner
  • Reg the reference
  • Spencer the spiritual
  • Tanya the talker.

God loves them all, but they need to be managed with sensitivity.

Training Notes TN119, Group behaviours to beware of, are now available without charge from the Training Notes index page of this website.

NEW: Lessons for leaders

The gospels provide us with a master-class from Jesus on how to lead a motley group of people (his apostles) starting from a low base. The notes check out St Mark’s Gospel to see what leadership principles we can learn from the Master. They come in four groups.

1:  Defining the group

  • Each person matters
  • A clear task
  • Strength in diversity

2: Clarifying the plan

  • Stage 1: to show them who he was
  • The key moment
  • Stage 2: to lead them to Jerusalem

3: Being tough as a leader

  • Challenging your followers
  • Rebuking your followers
  • Prioritising your aims
  • Sharing your vulnerability

4: Being gentle as a leader

  • Patience with slow learners
  • Rest and real care
  • Acceptance of others’ failures
  • Special treatment

Training Notes TN120, Lessons for leaders, are now available without charge from the Training Notes index page of this website.

A list of resources on church members as workers

These are all tagged with the Management theme – just a selection in this list. All can be accessed from the Resources page of the website and then either the Articles (A) or Training Notes (TN) pages.

A10  An introduction to the art of training
Help people learn new skills through church-based training

A43  Every member on active service
How to mobilise your church for service within and beyond

TN14  Setting up a Newcomers Team
Advice on how to form and run a team looking out for newcomers

TN15  How not to delegate!
Some ‘how not to’ case studies to consider in a group

TN24  Church members can burn out too
The dangers of burn-out and how to avoid them at church

TN31  Affirming volunteers
A range of practical actions to make your volunteers feel great

TN36  Square pegs in round holes
What to do when the person simply does not match the role

TN41  What makes a group a team
Four features that are essential for your group to be a team

TN55  So, who should be in the dock?
A legal story that is designed to make a clear point

TN79  ‘One another’ teams
What the ‘one another’ verses in Scripture can teach our teams

TN100  Why some offer, why some don’t
Understanding why people do or do not volunteer

With my warmest good wishes for Christmas, trusting you will have time and energy to focus on the  real, amazing message of incarnation.