Resources e-letter 13:3 - June 2013

There are two more sets of Training Notes published: TN74, Understanding values and TN75, Writing for the media. There is also a listing of all resources on speaking and presentations.

NEW: Understanding values

Training Notes TN74, explain the concept of ‘values’ within a planning process.  They show how a church or organisation’s ‘purpose’, ‘vision’ and ‘values’ all link up, explain three different kinds of values and provide a range of practical examples.  The Notes close with help on compliance and group questions.  The kinds of values listed are:

1:  Non-negotiables
The foundations on which to build.  These may be about the Lordship of Christ, the value of people or an understanding about Scripture or tradition.

2:  Community or church culture
These are principles on how you carry out your ‘purpose’ and will concern your attitudes and behaviour.  They define distinctive priorities for your way of life.

3:  Internal guidelines
Lower level behaviours, which will probably not be written down.

TN74, Understanding values, is now available on the Training Notes pages of the Resources section of the website.

NEW: Writing for the media

Training Notes TN75 follow a case-study approach and are designed for churches wanting to write for their local press or take part in something like ‘Thought for today’ on local radio.

The case study is a weekly column in a St Albans free newspaper which is written by a team of people from local churches.

The Notes give the guidelines provided by the team leader.  These start:

1        Make it local
2        Make it relevant
3        Make it punchy
4        Make an impact.

Contributors only have 250 words so there is no space for wasted phrases.

As a practical exercise, three examples from the author’s contributions over the past year are given in full and readers invited to improve them in line with the guidelines.

TN75, Writing for the media, adds new material on a Communications theme to the website and is now available for printing or downloading free of charge.

Training day in IT

The UK Church Administrator Network (UCAN) is working with St Saviour’s Church, Guildford to run a professional IT training day for Church Administrators and other church members on Tuesday 24th September.

The day will cover MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook and Adobe Indesign.  Book at (clever!), where you can also find further details about the day’s content.  The cost is £55.  Training is provided by professional trainers Hill McManus.

Resources on speaking and presentations

The Resources section of the website has six subject indexes as well as the Articles, Training Notes and Health-checks listings.  Here is what is included on the Communication page under the heading of ‘Speaking and presentations’.

A10     An introduction to the art of training – help people learn new skills
A19     Speaking so that people listen – for all leaders and preachers
A23     Job applications in Christian ministry – Part B: presentation
TN1    Preparing to read the
TN16   Interviews in church services
TN47   Breathing life into the intercessions
TN56   Questions for preachers