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The UCAN story told for the first time

2nd August 2022

The UK Church Administrators Network is a flourishing grouping of Church Administrators and Operations Managers with over 1,800 on its lists. But what is the story behind its formation and growth?
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The UCAN story, Article A53 just uploaded to this website, goes back to 1981 when an early form of UCAN was established as part of the Administry organisation. it explains what life was like for Church Administrators in those early years and how Administry served them.

After a break from 2004 to 2008 the UK Church Administrator Network (UCAN) was then set up as part of John Truscott's professional work as a church consultant and trainer. The story continues through to October 2017 when John handed UCAN over to a Board of Directors and it became a separate organisation.

This article will be of interest to all Church Administrators but also to Ministers and others, interested in the development of this role in churches. See the Articles index page on this website.